Protect Your Privacy – Record Phone Calls


Do you have unwanted Phone calls? Does someone call you in the middle of the night just to let you hear their breathing? What ever the reason for the calls when you record phone calls you are sure that you are protecting yourself. Even if the calls just might be from someone from the other side of the world calling to sell you something if it is frequently done then it is already harassment.Did you know that in California and other states it is against the law to make obscene or threatening calls? This can be found in the California Penal Code section 653m, Penal Code section 422-422.1. Harassing calls are the following:

When someone calls and uses obscene or threatening language.

When someone makes heavy breathing or silence to intimidate you.

It is said that one unwelcome call is already harassment. Unfortunately, your local phone company will not take action unless you can prove that there is more than one call. Although they will take immediate action if there is either a threatening call against you or your family with the intent to do you bodily harm. When you record phone calls it is easier for you to prove that there is a threatening call because you have a tangible proof of the call or calls.Many different companies all over the US have different policies on how to deal with harassing phone calls. They might take immediate action or they might require you to contact the police first. To find out your local phone company’s policy about this, call your local company’s business office. Ask them if you record phone calls will it be proof enough for them. You know even if you are not receiving harassing or threatening phone calls it is still a good idea to ask. As they say forewarned is forearmed. But if you are already scared because of the seriousness of the threats or even if the calls are just obscene but is already highly offensive to you, don’t hesitate to go to your nearest law enforcement agency. Give them as much information as you can. They will usually require you for the following information:

Gender of the caller.

How old did he/she sound?

Describe the caller’s voice.

Did the caller have an accent, sounded educated or has speech impediment?

Time and date of the calls.

What did the caller say?

Was there background noise?

Did the caller sound sober or intoxicated?

Do you have a caller ID? If you do, did you get the number?

Amazingly, majority of the questions that the police are going to ask will be available at your fingertips. When you record phone calls you have made a well documented proof. It will be a great help to them especially as there are already software that can identify the voice of a person. Eight out of the nine questions they will ask are already in the recordings that you have provided for them. The phone recordings that you have made will ensure your privacy and maybe even save your life.


Source by Tom R Rasmussen

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