How To Move Heavy Mattress Box Spring To The Second Floor


Moving the mattress and the bed frame alone is physically taxing. If you move your heavy and bulky box spring to the upper floors of your house, this is even more challenging.

Why do you need a box spring in the first place? It has been established that mattress sets do not really require the use of box springs. However, mattress experts claimed that these additional bedding accessories can help avoid depressions and sags. They also increase the comfort of the bed.

You can use the following steps to move this additional bedding piece to your second floor:

Step 1: You should ask a friend to help you out. Two people can carry this piece of bedding accessory. You should hold one end and your friend can carry the other end. You should position yourself to the head of the box spring so you can go up backwards.

Step 2: Measure the furniture first and find out if it can fit the stairway or the doorway of your room. Find a good angle where it can fit easily.

Step 2: Slowly bend your knees until you have reached waist level. Be careful not to lift the furniture suddenly or you will hurt your back. Gradually lift your legs while holding one end of the box spring. Your friend holding the other end should do the same method at the same time.

Step 3: If you can carry the box spring with one hand, use your other hand to support the upper part of the furniture. If not, you can secure the upper part using a removable tape.

Step 4: Carefully move backwards. Your motion with your friend should be synchronized so he or she does not end up pushing you. You might also want to move first so that your friend can follow. Hold the end of the furniture at arms length so you can peek below and find out if you are going to trip on a tread of the staircase.

Step 5: When moving into corners, slowly angle the furniture to fit the corners. Your friend might need to take a back step to position the furniture and avoid banging it to the corners of the stairs.

Step 6: Once you have already reached your destination, carefully put it down. Bend your knees and support the top of the box spring when putting it down. Make sure your partner have also moved it down before releasing your hold on it.


Source by Alan Cassidy

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