Don’t Let a Fear of Taking Tests Hold You Back


The fear of taking tests is called testophobia. Most everyone experiences some level of anxiety when it comes to taking tests. However, if the fear is extreme, something must be done. The following article will discuss some tips and advice when it comes to overcoming testophobia.

When our brains do not get enough oxygen, we tend to get stressed. This is why most experts recommend breathing techniques to help overcome the fear of taking examinations. Doing breathing exercises will help get the oxygen to your brain to normal levels, and reduce the chances of getting anxiety over taking a test.

In addition to breathing techniques, regular exercise can help reduce your fears of taking exams. This does not necessarily mean you should go out and immediately start run marathons. Low impact exercise works just as well as long as you do it regularly. The lower your stress level is, the less likely you are to be affected by test anxiety of any kind.

Poor eating habits can also contribute to the fear of taking tests. If one does not eat right, they are way more likely to be stressed over situations like taking a test. Eating the right foods before you have to take a test can make all the difference in the world. Our brains work best when our bodies get everything they need.

Lastly, in order to be at your best during a test or exam, you need to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. If you get the proper amount of sleep your mind will be rested for the test taking process. Your test anxiety will be reduced and so will your fear of taking tests.

When a fear of taking tests becomes emotionally and physically unbearable, these tips and techniques may not be effective. If you are one of the unfortunate students to suffer with such extreme fears, consider discussing your problem with someone in the medical profession. It is not hopeless. There is help available.


Source by Trevor Johnson

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